Monday, January 28, 2008

Damn, Patricia!

I was on my way home today, and I was feeling a little stressed. I decided to take the back way home and go around the lake. No one ever goes that way. I'm cruising along and listening to some Dolly Parton. I was just chillin'. Then it happened. This woman pulled out in front of me and wouldn't go. She was on her phone. I don't mean she was annoying. I mean she was driving 20 in a 35 zone. She would cross the bridges over the lake and slow down to 10 mph. Bitch was pissing me off. I noticed an ad on her car window. It was a big Avon sign with a phone number. I'd had enough. *I called it! She answered! "Hi. This is Patricia." I said, "Well, Patricia, you pulled out in front of me, and now you won't even do the speed limit. I've had a stressful day and would appreciate it if you could move the fuck on." She slowed down again, and she looked in her rear view mirror. I waved. She took off doing about 60 mph. I continued my relaxing drive home while listening to Dolly's sweet voice.

*I realized that this story sounded a little crazy, so I saved Patricia's number in my phone. When I got home, I showed it to Mr. Bitchford and suggested he call her. He wouldn't do it, but he did believe me!


just north of Eastwick said...

AHHH HAHAHAHAHAHA! That is hilarious! The other day you said I was meaner than you.....but damn, girl--I would never have the balls to do that! LMAO

Unknown said...

Oh my fucking god.

Oh. My fucking god.

Please call her and order some Avon from her. "Hi, it's me from yesterday!"

Sukie Bitchmont said...

LMAO--I'm sorry but this si the most hysterical story ever!

Barb Smith said...

When I grow up, I wanna be just like you!

This is better than fabulous. And I bet Patricia and her Avon sellin' ass kicks it up a notch whenever she sees you comin' from now on, whatcha bet? LMAO

Cricky said...


That's fucking hilarious.