Monday, January 21, 2008

If You Pray, God Will Give You Anything You Want!

Did you know this? Well, here is the proof. I received this in the mail the other day. It came straight from God's handlers.

I've thought about logging on and testing this out. I could pray for an A on my first paper that will be due soon. I could pray for time to stop, so I would be able to get caught up on all of my work. I could pray for a fucking flying car, so that I wouldn't have to endure the 2.5 hour drive to the university every other Friday. I could pray for the sterilization of the stupid, backwards Eastwickeans (mainly the cell phone talking while driving with children in the car soccer moms). I would say no offense, but it's offensive. Oh well. Ooooh. I could pray that my bikini line would stay magically waxed without all of the pain.
WTF? Do people really believe this bullshit? Has anyone else received something like this in the mail? Do tell.


just north of Eastwick said...

I got that exact same letter. Of course, we live in the same general area, so that's not really surprising. I didn't open it, however. I realized it was some religious BS and immediately tossed it in the garbage.

Lulu said...

I sure never got anything like that in my mail. I just figure that others have already realized I'm beyond saving.

The Mormons use to hit up my house as a kid though. That was always entertaining.

Sukie Bitchmont said...

I got that one this week, too.

Mrs. Flax said...

Maybe you could pray for John Edwards to become president?

Barb Smith said...

I get "prayer" notes and emails from friends who are working tirelessly to save my hell-bound soul...does that count? LMAO

I used to get the those creepy jehovah's witnesses coming to my door all the time but I finally got the best of them by telling them for every 10 minutes I give them, they had to give me 10 minutes rebuttal on why god and religion were a crock of shit...they left and never came back. YEA, go me! lol