Friday, January 18, 2008

The Nature Boy and The Bee

You guys know how Sukie and I feel about Mike Huckabee. He's a scary motherfucker. His message is frightening, yet it sounds so good coming out of his mouth. He's a great speaker, but I guess that comes from being a Baptist preacher. I've heard people say they find it odd that he is traveling with Chuck Norris and Ric Flair as endorsers of his campaign. It's pure genius! Eastwickeans love them some wrastlin'. Who doesn't remember Ric Flair's fluffy, cotton candy mullet? Mmmmm. Although, he ain't exactly looking like he used to...

My point is that while I don't think Huckabee will win his party's nomination, who is to say that someone won't drag him along as the VP. How can the evangelical vote support a man who essentially turned his back on God's calling for him? I don't believe in that stuff, but clearly these people do. To top it all off, Mike Huckabee has forced me to find a new seamstress. I went to pick up my pants last week, and the woman had Huckabee signs plastered all over the joint...inside and out. I sucked in my opinion, and I entered the gates of hell to get my pants. She actually offered me a bumper sticker! That was my line in the sand, and the bitch crossed it. Anyone know a good seamstress??? :(

1 comment:

Mrs. Flax said...

Get your mama to do it. She sews, she just pretends that she can't.

What rankles me about this is that there are people who would say "You shouldn't hold that against your seamstress, it's her right to express her opinion." And I totally agree. But I believe that it is equally your right to take your business elsewhere instead of being proselytized by the seamstress. I figure if you are a business owner, and you jump out of neutral, then you must take the consequences of that, good or bad.