Tuesday, January 8, 2008

2008 isn't off to a great start

2008 has not been good to Eastwick, surrounding cities, or family. There have already been four house fires with casualties, at least a dozen shootings with casualties, and our long-time and beloved homeless man was run down and will now possibly lose his right leg. I know I joke around a lot, but this last one is serious. Some asshole with no license ran him down and destroyed his little shopping cart with all of his belongings. The people of Eastwick are pissed and rightly so. The one good thing that came out of the accident was that it reminded me that Eastwick is not always a horrible town. The citizens really came together for this man and have continued to do so. Another incident happened right after Christmas next door to my parent's home. Some people drove a pick-up truck behind the neighbor's house and kicked the door in. They stole a bunch of stuff and ruined the house. It was in the middle of broad daylight. Neighbors were home and everything. It was straight out of that Roseanne episode where she watches a moving van clean her neighbor's house out. She evens buys a few things from the "moving guys." Lastly, a friend of mine lost his dad yesterday. He died suddenly, and there is no word on how yet. It just sucks. None of it makes any sense. I guess it doesn't have to make sense. Peace.

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