(Those are cat whiskers. The cat loves a camera.)
I tripped and fell on New Year's Eve, and I really fucked up my ankle. It's giant and blue, and it hurts. I went to the doctor this morning, so I could get a second opinion. I've always really liked my doctor, and I never mind going to this place. So, he comes in, and I have to take my sock off. He looks at my ankle, and he starts applying pressure and turning it. It hurts, and he starts asking me questions. He then starts to lift my pant leg and massaged my calf. I found this weird. My calf didn't hurt. I didn't injure my calf. It was the first time that I've ever felt "weird" at the doctor's office. He kept massaging while he was talking to me. Weird, weird, weird. He gave me my orders to keep off of the ankle and wrap it tight. I've never been so glad to have hairy legs. If I had had smooth legs, I might have had to leave. I'm sure he was just checking out my injury, but it still felt very strange. Any similar stories out there?
When my dentist checks my glands, I get a nice massage from my collarbone to the base of my skull; but he does it to hubby and the kid too, so I think it's kosher.
Maybe he actually likes hairy legs?
Actually, I had an orthopedist once who absently held and/or patted my hand on more than one occasion. I'm not sure he realized he was doing it. I wasn't creeped out. If your doctor creeped out, you should have yelled at him. I know you are good at that. Or at least given him an opprobrious look.
Pressure points. Same reason that the DR rubbed David's back to get him to sit up straight when he broke his collar bone. Im sure the calf rubbing was going to make the swelling go down or something, in fact I think I have a book on that shit around here somewhere.
Maybe that was his attempt to hit on you! LMFAO
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