Saturday, January 5, 2008

It was only a matter of time...

Straight from the Opinion Pages of the Eastwick News, I bring you this bit of brilliant insight:

It's time that we pass a no drinking in public ordinance. I would much
rather meet a smoker on the highway than a drunk. It's time we ban
drinking in public.

Prohibition has worked so well in the past, hasn't it? And if we just ban drinking in public but not in private, is that really gonna make a damn bit of difference? Why do people in this town lack the basic ability to reason??


Unknown said...

What exactly is the issue? Public drunkenness is already illegal, and if they mean that nobody can drink in restaurants, many of the chain places will not serve alcohol unless you have a designated driver.

Im not exactly clear on what they want to accomplish, as the laws are basically already there. Youre not even allowed to have a beer while walking down the street, so...what the fucking fuck?

Alexandra Bitchford said...

They want bring Jesus into the hearts of all, and they think this is a logical way to do it. Weird, huh?