Monday, January 7, 2008

Is that a 10 year old or Michelle Williams?

I was poking around the TMZ website (yes, I know it is trashy, but it's my stress relief), and I found this old photo. We all know how the majority of young Hollywood actresses take thin to a new level, but I find this photo truly disturbing. Just because Michelle can wear a 10 year old girl's bathing suit does not mean that she should. Maybe that was Heath's thing...ewww...


Lulu said...

Have you seen pictures of Tara Reid lately? She's so thin she looks like a walking corpse. And OLD....being that thin makes her look OLD.

I like to read the smut for stress relief too.

Mrs. Flax said...

Freaky. Heath Ledger committed suicide today in Mary-Kate Olsen's apartment.