Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Eastwickean Way

I know you all have heard that Heath Ledger died. He was so young and such a good actor. The first thing I thought about when I heard the news was his young daughter. She'll probably barely remember him. It's sad. Eastwickeans do not have the same thought process that normal people do, though. A handful of local *religious nuts have gotten together to protest Heath Ledger's funeral. You all know what is coming next. Because he portrayed a gay character in Brokeback Mountain, these nut jobs are going to protest his funeral. It gets better. They're going to do this from Eastwick. Eastwick ain't nowhere (sorry...I had to get my Eastwickean accent on) NEAR where the funeral will be! OMG! WTF! This is a man that they don't even know. He has a family who is trying to mourn him. What is wrong with people?

*I'm using the word religious because that is how they described themselves. I don't agree.


Unknown said...

I wondered if the crazies would put him down for pretending to be gay. Nevermind that he died of a drug overdose, let's totally bash him for acting like a fag. That's clearly the worst of the two evils.

Barb Smith said...

Is it any wonder that religion has pushed me so far in the opposite direction? Things like this farce of humanity and their "funeral boycott" (*stare* whatever) and the save babies/kill Iraqis mentality just chaps my ass so badly.

Guess that's why I now call myself a "realist."

Eh, the lunatic fringe, at its best, huh?

Cricky said...

are you fucking kidding me? How morally fucked up is this town you live in?

The man was an actor. He was paid to portray something he clearly was not.

Maybe if these people spent less time in their own make believe land they'd get a fucking clue.

Alexandra Bitchford said...

What's even scarier is that they actually have people following them. This one woman is the ring leader. She claims to be sent from God to do his work. It's very strange.

just north of Eastwick said...

Let me guess--is "Big New Church" involved in this protest? Just curious.

I think it's hilarious that the people there think anyone outside of their community will care or pay attention to their stupid-ass protest.