Sunday, September 28, 2008

Tina Fey was funny...not so much everyone else...

Now, the debate sketch left a lot to be desired IMHO. I mean there was plenty of stuff they could've pulled from that debate that would've been really funny in an SNL skit. I mean, what about the whole "I have a bracelet...I have a bracelet, too" thing. That? Could've been hysterical. Think: "Mine's shiny than yours!" "I've had mine longer!" "Mine's bigger!" Whoever has the best bracelet wins the presidency! Have at it! What'll it be at the next debate? Necklaces? Actual dog tags? Earrings? So much could've been done with that. It makes you wonder if the SNL writers fell asleep during the debate.

They did nothing with John McCain's opening comment that he "hasn't been feeling "too great lately."

And what about this comedic opportunity
John McCain:
"As president of the United States, I want to assure you, I've got a pen." He then held up a Sharpie, looked at it and said, "This one's kind of old." That? Was just funny anyway? How'd they miss that one??

Or how about mocking the pronunciations? McCain, no matter how many times he tried, could NOT pronounce Ahmadinejad correctly. And Obama? Pronounces Pakistan and Taliban weird. There's definitely something SNL writers could've worked with.

Plus, there were plenty of good one-liners, that just made you go WTF? Like this one from John McCain: "I looked into Mr. Putin's eyes, and I saw three letters: a 'K,' a 'G' and a 'B.'" What? That was funny.

I mean, really, SNL...looks like without the likes of Tina Fey, you're just not funny. Time to dip back into the talent pool. I could do better than that. Seriously.
(I will, however, concede that the bit with Hillary at the end "just in case John McCain didn't show up" was pretty funny.)


Unknown said...

The KGB in putin's eyes reminds me of the cartoons when the character gets knocked out, and his eyes read "No Sale" or just $$. Loves it.

Lulu said...

For election humor see Chris Rock's latest stand-up routine. It is effing awesome!

Anonymous said...

It's so incredible it's almost as if it's a social experiment. One to determine the extent of which the people have been dumbed down. It feels like we're watching a play. Someone turn on the lights.