Tuesday, September 2, 2008

WTF, Laura Bush?

I'm watching the RNC, and I really can't believe what I'm hearing. Is she serious? She just stood up in front of those cameras and praised her husband for giving children mosquito nets, so they don't catch malaria. Really? Really? Oh, and she finished up with, "And that's change you can believe in." No it's not. That's not change. That's bullshit. What about Walter Reed? What about our vets? What about the children here in the US who don't have any health coverage? Stupid, stupid, stupid!


Unknown said...

He didnt give anyone mosquito nets, volunteer workers did, and our donations paid for them.

Sukie Bitchmont said...

According to LB, her hubs actually single-handedly solved the AIDS in Africa epidemic, too.

Queen Bee said...

Can't wait to hear your rants about Palin's speech tonight!