Monday, September 1, 2008

When Pigs Fly

Well, the Eastwick festival came to an end last night. There was a Star Wars costume contest, and my nephew entered. I'll call him Yoda because he's small and wise. So, Yoda entered the contest and actually placed. He was terribly cute. See, isn't he cute? I've put a little mask on him for privacy. ;)

Then the radio hosts sponsoring the event got up on stage. They had a "homemade" blaster gun. They started stuffing little pink pigs into the blaster and shooting them into the audience. It ain't an Eastwick festival without the pigs flying. Here's the stuffing procedure in action.

In case you are wondering, yes, I did push small children out of my way for the chance at a free flying pig. Once the Star Wars contest had ended, we decided to stroll around and look at the food. My favorite part of the day was when we met the Peanut Lady. We were walking by her booth, and she was screaming something in an Eastwickean drawl. We stopped, and this is what we heard. "Git yur Americun made nuts! These nuts 'r fresh! Yous won't see no made in China stamped on these here nuts!" Excellent! American nuts! I didn't buy any, but I'm sure they would have made me want to break into song. Perhaps Lee Greenwood's "I'm Proud to be an American" would have been in order. We kept walking and decided on some pizza.

Later, we settled into the grass and waited for the next Star Wars event. It was a musical event with a laser show. There were even storm troopers.
Our county administrator was the MC for the night. I'm not sure if he was hammered or nervous. He would say things like, "Let's give them a round of slappause!" "On a beautiful night like tonight no one should be complining." Hmmm. The best part of the entire day happened as we were leaving. Little Yoda had to go to the bathroom, so I was hanging out at the main entrance. I had put my camera away for the night, and of course it happened. A woman walked past, and she had on a baseball hat that in lighted letters said, "I love Jesus!" All in all, it was a good day spent with my peeps.

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