Friday, September 5, 2008

Ozzy Osbourne Said it Best

Oh, Elisabeth. Do you really think people take you seriously? Didn't you lose on that reality show? BTW, I wasn't aware that Cindy McCain or Michelle Obama were running for office; however, Sarah Palin is running for office. Take a look at this video.

Who cares? I care, lady. She didn't make any points. She had some one-liners that battered Obama a bit, but there wasn't anything else. She then paraded her family around stage. While these people look like they walked right out of a J. Crew catalog, this really does nothing for the economy or foreign policy. On top of that, McCain followed her last night and said a whole lot of nothing. This entire debacle reminds me of the old Ozzy Osbourne song Crazy Train.

"Crazy, but that's how it goes
Millions of people living as foes
Maybe it's not too late..."


Unknown said...

We need to keep up the good work and keep blogging about this. I had a woman in her 50's email me and tell me that she is registering to vote for Obama, she hasnt voted in years, and she is voting because of what Ive said on my blog.

Bitch on, bitches.

Alexandra Bitchford said...

Yes We Can! ;)

Sukie Bitchmont said...

Elisabeth Hasselbeck is a joke. A big ole joke. She thinks she's important, but she's not. She's a dumb bitch who can repeat what she's been told since she was a wee bitch.