Saturday, September 6, 2008

Shut up, Sarah

I just watched another Sarah Palin speech. She keeps saying the same shit--even though her speech is riddled by some flat-out lies and LOTS of hyperbole. You'd think she'd change it up when she realized everyone's on to her.

In any case, she just said, for about the billionth time, that she "stood up to Big Oil."

Uh-huh. Anyone else think it odd her husband works for BP???
Sure he quit for a while so it wouldn't look bad for Sarah. But then they needed more money(probably for those 5 kids--why do Republicans always have ridiculous amounts of kids??), and he was back at it again.

Yeah, she says no to special interests...


Unknown said...

Well I dont know that every republican has ridiculous amounts of kids, David's parents are staunch and they each have one kid from a previous marriage, his dad has an adopted son, and there's David.

But the reason that Palin has a lot of kids is because God wanted her to have them. Didnt you know that god opposes birth control?

Unknown said...

The link to Michael Moore's new documentary which you can download for free is here:

Lulu said...

All of this Palin Bullshiz is going to kill me before this election is over!