Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Dear Professor New Jersey,

You suck ass! I just finished a grad course, and I did well. I'm still pissed, though. The professor was useless and never gave me feedback on my work. I did receive two major paper grades, and both were an A. Grades should have posted last night, but I still didn't have a grade showing this morning. I emailed Professor New Jersey (that's where he is from, and he said this at EVERY class meeting), and I asked him why my grade wasn't posted. He told me that I had earned an A, and my participation all semester long had put me in that group. What? I never received a participation grade, so how would I know this? Also, both of my papers were A work, so why didn't those put me in that group? I know. Why am I upset when I earned a good grade? Because he's a piece of useless shit. He never gave me feedback. He required these ridiculous assignments that he never graded. He would run them through some sort of grading software. All of the comments were generated by a computer. And, my grade still hasn't posted! Fucker.


Stephen said...

Amen sister.

I had a useless piece of shit for a professor this semester myself.

We had 2 assignments all semester. We received the grades for our first assignment the last week of class. Nice. I had no idea what I was making in the class until the week of finals. Plus she had no structure to her class and would spend half the class talking about random stuff.

Not only that, but she still has not posted our grades, and they were supposed to be available today. What a waste. I blasted her on her evaluation.

Sorry you had the Jerk for Jersey, I had the Pinhead from Pennsylvania.

Unknown said...

Some profs just look that you're awake in class. I know one of those, she teaches Victorian Lit.