Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Makin' Love Out of Nothing at All

Ok. I've looked back over my last few posts, and I realized how angry I am. I know venting can be a good thing, but I'm going to try something new. I was at dinner tonight, and Air Supply came on. I thought about how soothing the music was, and I began to relax a little. I don't really relax much. I've tried yoga, and I really want it to work, but it just doesn't work for me. I end up sitting on that stinky mat thinking, "When the hell will this be over, and how can that woman wrap her leg around her head?" So, I'm thinking I need a more unconventional method. This is where Air Supply comes in. Any time I start to feel a little tense, I'm gonna throw on a little Air Supply. So far, so good. I was REALLY stressed tonight because of a co-worker. It was Mr. Vomit, and once again he screwed something up and shoved the blame off on me. I snapped. I yelled at him, and then I told him to beware of my wrath. Next time, I'll just say, "I know just how to whisper, and I know just how to cry..."

I'll let you know how it goes;)


Mrs. Flax said...

Alexandra, I adore you, but you just make such an awesome fire breathing harpie!!! And you have genuine conviction about it. Don't go changing. But if you must do it to save your sanity, at least continue to wear really pointy shoes. 'Kay?

Alexandra Bitchford said...

You know, I'm only getting older. I've got to look out for that blood pressure. I'll keep my cauldron!

mindctrl said...

Venting is good in moderation. It helps with the stress. Getting out in the woods is great for me. Being out in nature and being around things that are only natural bring about a level of peace you can't get with any human made things. Sometimes music works, sometimes sex works, sometimes exercise works, but it seems that nature always works. It's getting back to our roots I think... Solitude is a wonderful thing.