Sunday, May 27, 2007

Rantless Today...hmmm

This blog is supposed to be my free therapy. It's where I come to rant and rave about Eastwick, Eastwickeans, my job, the idiots I work with and for, etc. I'm sure I'll be pissed about something again, but for now I feel pretty rantless (hehe...I made up a word). Mr. Bitchford went out of town on business this weekend, and I realized I had the entire weekend to myself. Saturday morning came, and Sukie took me shopping and out for some yummy trans-fatty fast food. We then cruised Target for some home stuff and a b-day card for Mr. Bitchford.

BTW, I do have one small rant. Have you SEEN the price of cards today? I took a photo of the card I would have bought him. $4.25 for a card! It's the thought that counts.

Ok, back to my weekend. After Sukie left, one of my few "married with children" friends called to see if I wanted to go to a party. A mutual friend always throws a huge Memorial Day bash every year. Good food, good beer, good friends, and lots of people doing the white man's overbite on the dance floor. Good times! I didn't even have to drive, so I could get my drink on for a change.

So, I woke up this morning, and I realized that even though my family doesn't live that close to me, I've created my own little family here in Eastwick. So, Sukie, you are right. Family doesn't have to be people you are related to (although, I am lucky because I'm related to some really cool people). Have a good Memorial Day everyone, and I'm sure I'll be all pissed off next week. ;)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

And on that note, people youre related to arent necessarily your family. Have fun :)