Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Sheer Idiocy

Our state legislature is trying to pass a bill that will allow concealed weapons...GUNS!...on school grounds. Come on, people. You seriously believe that allowing guns at the local elementary and middle school will keep our children safer???

According the the
Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, "In 2004, 29569 people in the U.S. died from firearm-related deaths. Thirty-nine percent (11,624) were murdered; 16,750 were suicides; 649 were accidents. In the same year, firearms were used to murder 56 people in Australia, 184 people in Canada, 73 in England and Wales, and 5 in New Zealand."

Gotta love that right to bear arms...
In addition, about 8 children and teens (age 19 and under) lost their lives to guns every single day in 2004.

Yes, I think it would be lovely to up that number from 8 a day to say, oh, IDK, maybe 15 or 20 a day...I know just the way to do it, too! Guns at school! Yes! What a brilliant idea!!


Unknown said...

Wait just a sec now, are they talking about arming the guards? Because thats smart. These fucks bring guns to school to shoot up the kids, so if theres a security guard with a gun, they can just take him out, in theory.

But if theyre trying to arm the principal and teachers? Oh well wait, i take that back. My sis teaches on the "wrong side of the tracks," and sometimes I wonder if maybe she should be armed. Hmm.

mindctrl said...

When is the human species going to start intelligently addressing things instead of reacting stupidly with more silly policies and laws? Why aren't we scrutinizing the effects of our ways of life? Why is it that things are getting worse and worse? Why is it that the US has more gun deaths than almost every other country in the world? We need some self-examination and not more laws and crap. We need to question. We need to think. We need to ask ourselves some serious questions. It will require reevaluating life as we know it. If we don't do these things we will continue going down the same path of destruction we have been for centuries. Humans claim to be the most intelligent species on the planet. I think that's laughable.

Alexandra Bitchford said...

Does everyone see how nicely Sukie cited her source? It drives me nuts that people think it is ok to take information from someone else's work and post it as their own. Someone did this on the discussion board today. Do you think plagiarism is on the rise because even parents don't understand it?