Tuesday, September 4, 2007

I Hate Community Bathrooms

We have to share a bathroom on our floor. We share it with all of the ladies on the floor and customers. There are four stalls. Three of the stalls are teeny, tiny stalls. They are only for people like the Olson twins. I'm not a large gal, but I do find it difficult to squeeze my curvy booty through that little stall door. This means that most of us try to use the giant, spacious handicap stall. I know it's not right. Technically, it's like parking in the handicap space when your healthy ass can park farther away. Hogging the handicap stall does not come without a price. Since ALL of the ladies use that stall, it gets a little funky. Why are ladies funky in the bathroom? If anyone knows the answer to this, please fill me in. I digress. I venture into my spacious stall this afternoon only to find that it smells like three day old trout that has been left on the counter. Ewww! So, in honor of Ms. Fishy Pants, whoever she may be, here is a little cartoon.


Unknown said...

Regarding pooping in the handicapped stall, I disagree with your reference to it being the same as parking in a handicap spot. You see, those bathrooms arent marked or anything, in fact many people use them because they are too claustrophobic to use the smaller stalls. Also, when there is a line, and nobody who "needs" it is waiting, then its just a toilet and the next person in line has the right to use it. It isnt a parking spot, its poop. If I have to go I am going to go!

Furthermore, in many bathrooms, the handicap stall is the one with the diaper changing station.

Alexandra Bitchford said...

Excellent! I'm going to use all of these points the next time someone glares at me. They are probably just made because their big J. Lo butts won't fit in the Olson stalls either.

Lulu said...

Or my favorite saying.... "Buy a bar of soap, bitch!"

There is NO excuse for fishy bathroom funk!