Monday, September 17, 2007


Does this disturb anyone else?


Barb Smith said...

WTF, exactly!!! OMG! Do we live in a police state now or what? I can't figure out what the guy did wrong...but I'm learning more and more that you really don't have to do anything anymore to be a target.

So yes, it bothers me horribly!

Unknown said...

I couldnt really hear what was being said, BUT...

My first thought was "Oh my god, that's my brother."

My second thought was "Niether the time nor the place, dude"

My third thought was "Wait, taising him?"

My fourth thought was "Why isnt anyone helping him?"

My fifth thought was "Im glad this was caught on tape and there are clear pictures of the officers faces."

Was he out of control? No, but he wanted to know what he did wrong. He should have been thrown out, but he was not being violent.

Unknown said...

better quality

Sukie Bitchmont said...

Yes, I am distrubed. Particularly upsetting in this video is the part where the student is begging NOT to be tased...for asking questions...

What does John Kerry have to say about it? Just curious...

Alexandra Bitchford said...

That was my question, Sukie. What the hell John Kerry? He was probably the only one that could have safely come to the student's aid. I think the student could have chosen a different way of going about this, but he clearly did not deserve to be tased. Thanks for the link, Jessie.

Lulu said...


Mrs. Flax said...

I don't know that Kerry knew exactly what was happening, other than that the guy was being thrown out. In the video I saw, you could hear him in the background saying something like "that is an important question that deserves an answer" and he started talking about the evidence in the 2004 election challenge.

The sound was very clear on the video I saw, probably because the camera was right at the incident. I didn't see what led up to it, because all I saw was officers standing behind him while he was at the microphone, then the microphone being turned off and him being taken away. He was obviously an over the top goob who needed to back off a bit, but the police were way over the top with the taser. WAY.

The most disturbing thing to me? The people just sitting quietly, some laughing. I guess I wouldn't have jumped on a cop's back or anything myself, but to just sit there like it's not happening.

I think it might have been one of those situations where we didn't see everything leading up to it, and he had probably royally pissed off the crowd, so they figured he got what was coming. But he didn't deserve that. Officers can only use tasers in close quarters like that when they are in legitimate fear of bodily harm. Local rules differ, but I don't think they differ to a great degree. CLEARLY, this guy was not going to hurt anyone. There were several officers present. He could have been manhandled out into the hall and restrained there.

In my view, those police officers put on a little performance that the crowd condoned. They ought to get popped for it. But what do I know.

Unknown said...

To Mrs Flax: They moved in when he mentioned Skull And Bones. Before that it was about how he had won the election in 2004 and that there were all kinds of voting errors and such. People werent pissed, but I guess asking about Skull And Bones pisses off Kerry's cronies. He's lost my vote forever over this.

Head Bitch in Charge said...

Those police officers should be fired. They need to quit giving retard a badge.