Wednesday, November 7, 2007

8 things...

I'm doing a know for NaBloPoMo and stuff. It has nothing to do with fact that I'm totally PMS-ing--nothing at all! ;-)

More things that make me want to scream...

21. Websites where every link opens in a new window.

22. My cable company. They switched my account number for some inexplicable reason in September...without notifying me. Then, they turned off my services for nonpayment because the money went to the old account number. Then, they couldn't figure out how to transfer the money from the old account, which was closed btw, to the new account. Then, they shut my services off again. Then, my bill magically went up by $15 for no good reason. Oh, but wait, she tells me...this is your new bill--since you transferred your account, so November is different. What? I didn't just magically transfer my account. I JUNE, so in June, I transferred my account to a new address, but I did NOTHING in October. She tells me I transferred the account on Oct. 9th. To what did I transfer it??? A more expensive account??? Seriously. What the hell?

23. Poor Leadership. Some people just aren't meant to be leaders. But people keep putting them into leadership roles--with no training! Why, oh why, do they do this???

24. People who are amazed by the least amount of initiative or the smallest display of intelligence. For example, this committee I'm on has had dwindling membership--mostly because of poor leadership. So the other day, I got fed up and said, "We need to recruit some new members." When that evidently did not spur our fearless leader to action, I e-mailed a bunch of people, asking them to join. When I was done, I e-mailed the committee to let them know I had gotten 3 new members. Leader's response: "Wow! How did you manage to do that?" By typing into the computer: "Would you join this committee with me?" Geez--how hard is it? Why don't I just take your job, huh?

25. Cable Company Appointment times. Whenever they have to come out to do some work (which happens ALL the time now), they ask, "Will you be home between 8 and 12 on Wednesday morning?" And every time I want to say, "No. I work for a living. Who the hell is home from 8-12 on Wednesday morning?"

26. Women over ten who wear clothes embroidered with Disney cartoons. Have you met my friend Stacy London? You should. That's a definite fashion faux pas. (Thank you, Mrs. Flax, for reminding me just how annoying this really is)

27. Stupid ring tones.

28. People who write checks at the grocery store. It's the 21st century--join it. We use debit cards, now--same thing, only faster. Stop holding up the line!


Unknown said...

I dont know, my sister is 37 and she can pull off a well placed Tigger, but it isnt like in her regular cycle or anything, just like a hoodie that she pulls out sometimes.

What pisses me off is the disney shirts that have stupid sayings, like it will have a picture of Tink and it will say "I dont need your attitude, I got some of my OWN!!!!" or Eeyore and it says "Im sad and what not." You know the shirts. They come in like XXXXL at Walmart.

Anonymous said...

Um, I totally love #22. Who hasn't had this crap happen to them? And it always gets better when they try to argue with you as if you don't know that you've not been able to watch TV for the last few weeks.
