Saturday, November 10, 2007

Down with Wal-Mart!

Another thing that makes me mad...

30. Wal-Mart. I don't shop at Wal-Mart....mostly because in Eastwick people tailgate in the parking lot, and it freaks me out.

But today, I watched that documentary about the cost of Wal-Mart, and now I hate Wal-Mart even more. Evidently, I have to help pay for Wal-Mart's employees' health care...amongst other things. This does not make me happy.

In general, I prefer small, family-owned stores to giant conglomerates anyway, and I've always seen Wal-Mart as kind of evil, but now I have actual facts and figures to back up my stance.

They really are evil--right down to their union-breaking tactics to keep their workers underpaid and overworked. Wal-Mart might be the worst thing about America.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

When David worked at a little So Cal chain grocery, he was not allowed to shop there due to union rules! Heres the thing, I hate it, and it was a year before I went inside the one that they put here in Beaumont. The thing is, Beaumont is a small town without a lot of places to buy TP and such, except the grocery store, but the prices are outrageous, something like $6 for a bottle of shampoo that I get for $2 at Walmart. So basically, I had to weigh out the evils, because I did end up deciding to shop there. I have rules about it though.

No walmart clothing. It is sewn by eight year old Vietnamese girls who are chained to machines, paid three cents an hour, and not allowed bathroom brakes.

No walmart brands, Mainstays, Topcare, Faded Glory, etc. Same deal.

Support the self check out lane. One person runs 4 units, so that's three less employees that Im buying health care for.

No groceries, that's what Stater's is for. Furthermore, no meat, David used to work as a butcher, and he told me about Walmart meat. There isnt anyone there who can cut or handle meat, it all gets shipped in pre packaged. And what they do is they inject it with saline and red dye to make it seem fresher longer. At the grocery store, a steak might last five days. Walmart steaks go for a month. Think about that shit rotting in your gut.

And also, I wont buy something that I can buy at another store here in town, like furniture, because I can get that from a thrift store that has a catalog to order brand new stuff from and it supports the cancer society. Also yarn, I buy that from a little old lady with a store the size of my kitchen.

So yes, I shop there, but I have rules about it. Ill see if I cant find his old union buttons, he had one that was a frownie face with the no smoking sign over it saying DOWN WITH WALMART! If I find them ill send them to you.