Sunday, November 11, 2007

Something else...

that gets on my nerves:

31. Wedding ceremonies in which the officiant tells the story of woman's creation from the rib of Adam, illustrating woman's purpose in this world: to be a helpmate to man. This is generally followed up with the vows in which the woman must promise to submit to her new husband.

What a crock. Yes, Jack and I attended such a wedding ceremony this weekend. And yes, I almost choked on my laughter when the preacher declared that each must be willing to give up his/her independence and individuality to the other to become one new body in Christ. Afterwards, I looked at Jack and said, "No way in hell." He agreed. This is why he is not one of the things that gets on my nerves. (I guess that's #1 for that particular list).

1 comment:

Lulu said...

That part of a wedding ceremony always makes me cringe!!! I always think to myself..."I'll SHOW you submit..."... And then I catch myself making evil faces toward the pastor! Ha ha ha!