Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Fred Thompson, Whatchoo talkin' 'bout?

I hope many of you have been watching all of the debates. The pubbie debates bore me and piss me off, but I feel like I need the information. Anyway, I was watching Oprah yesterday, and Fred Thompson's campaign commercial came on. He actually said, "And remember that your rights in this country come from God." What the fuck, Fred Thompson? I need an explanation. Wait! I won't get one. You know why? He was recently around the Eastwick area for a campaign stop, and a lot of people actually came out to see him. He gave his little speech, and everyone clapped politely. Then...he left! He left, and he refused to answer any questions. So, since Fred Thompson is unwilling or unable to explain his campaign slogans or his platform, then he can suck a big Democratic donkey dick.

1 comment:

Lulu said...

I just HAD to point out that I used the phrase "donkey dick" in my post today too. Sometimes you just gotta!