Tuesday, November 6, 2007

WTF, lady?

A woman who works in another division of my company has lost her mind. She has been chair of a committee for a few years now. It seems that I have magically been added to said committee. WTF? I asked my supervisor if this was something I should be doing, and she said no. I emailed the woman back, and she acted like she didn't understand what I meant. How can you not understand the following...
Dear dumb-ass,
Get your head out of the clouds. I'm not on your unorganized committee!
Peace out,

I'm still on the list! We'll see how long this lasts.

1 comment:

Sukie Bitchmont said...

I saw that...but only after I replied all once or twice I think; then, I took your name off. I told you--this is the committee from HELL!!!