Friday, November 23, 2007

A Vulgar Thanksgiving

First, I must say that I had a great Thanksgiving. We got together with some of our honorary bitches and had a great feast. My parents joined us this year, and they were a hoot. They keep surprising me the older they get. My mother never drinks, and she had had two small glasses of wine before dinner. She all of a sudden bursts out with this statement. "I didn't know what a cunt was until I was married!" She then giggles, and then my dad just starts cracking up. Through the years, I've learned that my parents will occasionally blurt shit like this out, so I wasn't too embarrassed. My dad decides to give one of our hosts a bit of advice. I forget what the subject was, but this was his response. "Do you know what you do if someone throws a bucket of shit on you? You throw a bucket of shit right back at them." OMG! The evening ended with my dad telling bad jokes and watching football. My mother migrated to our hosts' couch and tried to take a nap. Oh yeah, and everyone was farting the place up. All in all, this was a great beginning to my holidays.


Barb Smith said...

Your mother said the word CUNT? She really did? OMFG!!! I'd have pissed myself laughing if my mother had ever said that, I swear. I know you just cracked up all to hell with that one. LOL

Nothin' like a good vulgar Thanksgiving to me. :)

just north of Eastwick said...

I love the stories you tell about your family. Your mom cracks me up.