Sunday, November 11, 2007

Big New Church Part 3...I think

I saw this Post Secret today, and it made me mad and a little sad. Why do people put so much faith and trust in one person who claims to have the ear of God? It's odd to me that so many people believe that God has spoken to the "chosen" few and that they must get their info through this person only. Oh, and they must pay them in order to get the holy information. This makes no sense to me at all. Do some people just need to belong to something? I come from a long line of non-believers. My great grandfather was such a non-believer that some locals refused to buy his lumber. You know what I love about this little tid bit? He could have given a shit! :) He's also the same one who would tell my dad that he shouldn't go to church because they make you leave your brain on the doorstep. Sadly, I never knew him, but I love hearing stories like this about him. I hope whoever sent that secret in is getting some help. At least this person knows not to believe all of the hype. I think Sukie and I should buy our own nice piece of land in the hills and build a church. Tax free land, baby! Hopefully we will be visiting The Big New Church this weekend. We'll keep you posted.

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