Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Tuesday: See You At The Pole

Apparently today was "See you at the pole" day. If you do not know, this is when crazy Eastwickeans (and I imagine others) gather around a flag pole to pray. First of all, the name makes me giggle. Yes, I'm aware that that also makes me a bit mean and immature. Am I gonna see you at the pole to watch a stripper dance? Or maybe I'll see you at the "pole" is sexual? I'm just confused because don't people get to go to church on Sunday morning, Sunday night, and (in some regions) on Wednesday nights? How is this different? Is it a recruiting tool? If so, then it's not very enticing. How about "See You at the Bank Where We Will Pass Out Cold, Hard Cash for Those Who Pray" or "See You at the Buffet Where Those With The Best Prayers Will Get Dessert for Free." This would be SO effective in Eastwick. I'm just not buying this whole marketing scheme. If God is up there floating around, I bet he's pissed. You people should really be able to do better than this. I know I've been a little brutal here, but it is because of Eastwick. I'm ok with a live and let live kind of life. It doesn't happen here. You either join them, or you will pay. Needless to say, I wasn't at a fuckin' pole today.


Leumas Clamato. said...
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Barb Smith said...

Oh honey, they had "See you at the pole" day here in Hamilton (aka Podunk), Ala-fuckin-bama, too...and I wasn't at any damn pole, either.

It was at every flag pole at every school in the county. Yes, at the SCHOOLS! But not to worry, the newspaper made sure to run an article before hand stating that it was students who had adopted the day and was not a school sponsored event.

Yea, whatever. Pfft.

Unknown said...

I hated when I saw it at my school.

One time I set fire to the poster for the Alive Club.

Burn marks are still on the wall.

Dont tell nobody.