Monday, November 5, 2007

10 Random Things...

that get on my nerves...

1. People on cell phones (anywhere where I can see and/or hear them--anywhere).

2. People who ask, "When are you guys getting married?" (Never, bitch, leave me alone.).

3. People who say, "You'll change your mind/attitude/opinion when you get older" (No, I won't--if anything, I keep getting bitchier and crankier with each passing year. And I still don't want kids).

4. Door-to-door bible-thumpers (Yes, I do know Jesus--I met him last night after eating some strange mushrooms. He told me to order that new coat I want from VS).

5. Telemarketers, especially those who call during dinner time (I'm eating spaghetti, bitch, I do NOT want to buy whatever you're selling!).

6. Chain e-mails, especially those which threaten me with 7 years of bad luck (It can't get any worse--please stop sending them).

7. The poor guy on the bike at the gas station who begs for cigarette money (He makes me feel sad inside, and I don't want to give him any cash, but I do anyway).

8. People who refuse to use all capital letters in e-mail--or people who insist on using all caps in e-mail (Go back to kindergarten bitch! Remember what capital letters are for? Good. Use them. If not, well...Darwin had a theory...).

9. Drama Queens (I have enough going on, thank you).

10. People who stand too close to me in grocery stores, department stores, or at the bank. (If I can reach out and touch you but don't know you, you are too damn close. Move, or I seriously might hit you. Really, I probably will).

1 comment:

Queen Bee said...

I can definitely relate to the cell phone use. I was in meeting all day today and one person constantly got up to take calls on her cell phone (at least it was set to vibrate!). I can understand if you are expecting an emergency call about someone in the hospital having surgery or some other "crisis" of the same ilk, but then you should let the meeting participants know at the beginning of the meeting. You know something like, "I'm sorry if I abruptly get up to leave, but I'm expecting a call about blah, blah, blah." But, I guess some people don't care about wasting other people's time by showing some manners! I seriously doubt this person had half a dozen crises throughout our meeting!

BTW, Sukie, send me some of those mushrooms so I can meet Jesus, too! :-D